Merry Christmas with Love
Merry Christmas 2022
Especially this time of year, my mom loved listening to The Little Drummer Boy. The message this fictional little boy brings to the nativity is anything but small. His story begins with a summon to the manger from the magi. When he arrives, this poor boy realizes he has nothing to offer but to play his drum for the baby. I’m not sure how great the sound, but as the story goes, in the presence of the newborn King he played his best for Him, and Jesus smiled.
Pa-rum- pum- pum- pum.
The year 2022 has brought us to a new place as parents. No more children in our home, under our feet, or nestled in our arms. Our boys are now adults. If you, too, are in our shoes nothing more needs said. If you’re still tucking in children at night, don’t trade the reality of them growing up in a hurry for a busy life in things that matter (much) less than do they.
What seems like yesterday, Christmas 1993 was full of great anticipation looking forward to June and our firstborn’s birth. How did those months seem to pass more slowly than the next 29 years? Eventually, we were blessed with our two boys as different as they can be and born 10 years apart. Nothing we learned with the first applied to the second, save the truth of God’s Word and love, but we sure did our best all along the way.
My husband has always done his best. If I’ve never shared how quick he is to ask forgiveness or to love his sons and me with a heart overflowing with gratitude and adoration, I hope you hear me now. We’re far from perfect in marriage and family, but he does his best: his faith is unshakable, he sure adores his sons, and I love him for it!
I think we’re rounding 30 years at his job, though its name has changed many times. I bet there’s no-one on the payroll who gives their best more than he does day in and day out. I’m proud of that man of mine!
Who but the Lord knew I would ever be an event planner at a funeral home? I thank the Lord for allowing me to work in a place that fills my heart as much as it drains my body and brain. I never thought about a ‘new’ venture after my teaching and parenting years culminated, but I’m very thankful, notwithstanding the crazy hours. And, I sure try to give it my best!
The youngest has made huge strides into adulthood this year albeit kicking & screaming with most every step forward, (who could blame him; adulting is hard!) but he’s done it and we are so proud of him. His bosses’ affirmations have encouraged his strengths, and he’s really doing so well. No surprise to us, we see his gifts & knew others would, too. He is proud to go to work & does his best everyday.We are excited to see how the Lord will use this job for even better things in his future.
Our oldest & his wife lead a busy life, so we are thankful for each visit. He has always done everything 100% even from childhood. He continues to do so at work, home & play. I enjoy watching he & our Sweetie make their own marriage, home & family together. She loves life & does it beautifully in so many ways. This Christmas our hearts burst in anticipation for June 2023 & the birth of our GRANDDAUGHTER! They’re going to be amazing parents! We are just a little excited-for them and for us!
Like The Little Drummer Boy, when we come into the presence of Jesus, give Him all that we have and do our best for Him, He smiles on us, too. Come to the newborn King of long ago. He loves you! It’s the best way to a Merry Christmas & a joyful New Year.
Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ…
Col 3:23-24 (ESV)
Pa rum pum pum pum…
Merry Christmas with Love