Have you seen him?

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Have You Seen Him?

It’s the morning after Christmas and I’ve been a bit under the weather, so I slept in some. As I was thinking about the Lord, sitting in the chair I try sneak in my quiet time each morning, I realized the sun had already slipped to the other side of my pretty window. I wouldn’t be watching its rise from the east nor shielding my face from its penetrating warm glow today. Not now at least.

With Christ’s birth fresh in my heart, I thought about beholding HIS glory. Creator God made that sun to rise in the sky each morning, to hang there throughout the day and set each night, and I-WE-get to enjoy it. I love most to be at the ocean and talk to the Lord; He feels so close to me when I am there.  Last year my brother took me out for an incredible dinner. He’s one of my best friends and for it to be just the two of us was really special. Making it even better was the sand under our toes and the sun setting front and center on the south west Florida coast. MAJESTIC! Dinner was relaxing as we talked and laughed with the calming ocean serenading us.  The dining area, both inside and out,  was  perfect; private without being confining.  Several rows of empty white chairs lined up to our right. I would suspect they were arranged for  sunset weddings or renewals, because how perfect can you get?  As the ball of orange in the sky dropped closer to the horizon, those chairs filled up. Some people had champagne and pearls, some wore flip flops and shorts. All were visibly enjoying life. Me too!  Before long there was no vacancy and 50 or more people had joined us basking in the glory of the sun setting.  I can still see it. And it’s still beautiful. Everyone with seeing eyes has seen the sun set, and I think most people enjoy it like me, but I suppose some ignore it too.  Yes, I think some ignore a beautiful sunset. I know, how crazy is that?  But not this night. Those people came to those seats, you know-like the movie says, “If  you build it they will come,” they came and I don’t think it was their first hoorah.  They came.  They sat, They watched. They chatted it up. They gasped. (Seriously, it was worthy!) ANNNNND, (this was new to me), they APPLAUDED!  Yes, all around me there was wooing, whooping and CLAPPING. All for the sun’s final setting of the night.   I was in great company because I was in the mix of others who enjoyed the son’s glory as much as I did. I do.

Naples Sunset

For women at home

He calmed the storm to a

whisper, and the waves of the

sea were hushed.

Psalm 107:29


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