My husband hands me a fresh, hot cup of my favorite coffee each morning and leaves me with a good morning kiss, “I love you, Beautiful.” It’s a great start to my days. From there I plan to open my heart, ears and Bible to spend time with God.
Years ago it was a sporadically ringing phone or the very reality of a needy person barging through my door as I sat quietly in the mornings. Now, of course, I am on my computer while I read and write. The distractions are far beyond what they used to be: email, text, social media, google rabbit trails, whew-a lot more pull than once a favorite magazine would be. What I mean to do first gets pummeled at my fingertips, and opportunity escapes with passed time.
Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, & his righteousness; & all these things shall be added unto you.
Ironic. As my curser hovered over one page and then another, I clicked close instead of open as the Holy Spirit kept whispering, first. Seek, seek first: God’s kingdom- His royalty, His righteousness. Friends, what was I thinking? How could I forego seeking the Lord first? What a costly choice to turn away from all He is. King of Kings. Let’s not fool ourselves to think if we were in the presence of Queen Elizabeth we would be scrolling through the internet chasing something, or nothing. Biblehub says of righteousness, “An aspect of God’s nature which expresses his unique moral perfection and his readiness to save sinners. It is made known especially through the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Why am I ever so willing to desire, to seek after, anything else? Not only do I burden myself with the pressures of life’s provisions promised to me when I first seek the Lord, there’s a much greater cost in turning away from God’s kingdom and righteousness. No wonder He so lovingly tells us the order of things: seek Me first, because I care for you, I provide for you, I love you, I am King of Kings and Lord of Lords, My righteousness is offered to your life that I may live in you and the world will see Jesus and be saved.
Not ironic, divine. We know the verse, but we think it’s for our sake: all these things will be added unto you -hallelujah! That’s not it. We seek Him first to bring glory to Him in the world.
Oh God my Father, King of Kings, thank You for your love and care for me. Thank you for showing me the need of seeking You first. Lord, may my heart, my life and my priorities desire and demonstrate Your kingdom and righteousness first in my life. I praise You for your promises toward me and through me as I first seek You. Amen.