Let your imagination run wild!
I often think of Adam who had a front row seat to the Lord’s creation coming alive before him, and whose imagination had to be even bigger to name each of the animals! My own youngest son is a poster child for imagination. All his life strangers have stopped us and commented on the depths of his exclamations which were simply the verbal rendition of his mind’s activities. Right this moment at the dinning room table, he’s shirtless and in his boxers, donning headphones and diligently working on illustrations for a book. It’s a full body job for him as it takes all he is to create.
Regardless of your Disney bend, there’s no debating his incredible imagination. Look at what has become from the idea of a little mouse! Generations of families have already enjoyed the fallout of his imaginations. Most of us are left scratching our heads at how anyone could come up with the ideas he and his team have over the years, and if you’re one of them, you can’t help but seeing it in your mind right now. Such a depth of inventiveness we’ll never realize!
Each one limited, and unlimited, by our own mind, we are always thinking, aren’t we. We ponder our urgencies as well as our hopes. What’s on your mind today? Whether your yearning is born of need or want, can I encourage you to keep a written list of prayer requests? The Lord is able to fill us both from shortage and spark! There’s no thought you or I have that is even close to what Jesus can do in our lives! Ask Him, today for whatever is on your heart and in His will! Do you know the childhood song’s lyrics? He’s able, He’s able, I know He’s able! I know my God is able to carry you through. He heals the broken hearted and He sets the captive free…
As Christ followers and through all our generations, we glorify Jesus Christ, the Creator of us all and each of our imaginations. However, His own thoughts are beyond even what the most creative of us could begin to imagine, and He is able to do more, much more, than we could ever ask or think.
Ephesians 4:20-21 Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worth in us. Unto Him be the glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all generations without end. Amen
Lord, show me better to glorify You in my heart, my family, my life that it will be true now and in the generations to come after me. I praise you for who You are, for Your ability to do exceedingly more than I am capable to even ask or think. Lord God, place in my heart the desires of Your will in my life, and teach me to pray, to ask and to think on those things. I praise You for, You.