A Soft Answer

The power of a gentle response

A Soft answer
The power of a gentle response

A Sound Heart is Life to the Body

We NEED this in our lives!

Wondering what a sound heart is? Why the Bible says it’s life to the body? WHAT Has God given to us as followers of Christ?

A Sound Heart
A Sound heart is life to the body

Crown him; your husband’s pride & joy

(It’s not really about him, but it is about HIM.)

THANK YOU for coming back to hear today’s podcast. I am here to say- I KID YOU NOT, I tape audios ahead of time and I had NO IDEA this was Easter Sunday’s post. It’s probably not what you’re thinking.

So appropriate. So GOD. SO, remember it’s all about the Lord in your life! Listen in with me:

Crown Him
Crown Him: Your husband’s pride & joy!

SO? Was it what you thought it would be by title or photo?

Be a Gracious Woman

I hope each of us see the true value in being a gracious woman. I think so many of us seek honor and praise from others, but we often lose the forest for the trees. God’s Word gives us the key to exactly what women want:

A Gracious woman.

A Gracious Woman
A Gracious Woman

For women at home

He calmed the storm to a

whisper, and the waves of the

sea were hushed.

Psalm 107:29


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