God can do more
{Click HERE for the text version of this podcast.}
(Click HERE if you want to go to the podcast version of this post.)
One of my son’s is an exacter. Just yesterday I stood in the kitchen, spaghetti sauce dripping from the ladle in my hand with nowhere to put it, because the sink and counters were full of dirty dishes. My son immediately came when I asked him to unload the dishwasher so all this dirty stuff could be taken care of. Good!
As if I am a rookie parent, I went back to cooking and turned around expecting the dirties to have been put in the dishwasher, however, I didn’t specifically request of Mr. Exact to load the dishes, too. While he may be trying my patience and my parenting skills, he’s not wrong. I simply asked for the dishes to be unloaded, and they were, he’s not being lazy, he’s just a follow the letter of the law kinda guy.
I know this about him, so I try to lovingly and patiently teach him to go beyond what is asked sometimes. God is like that too. He patiently and lovingly waits to hear from me, but He is not limited by my own understanding or requests of Him.
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.
What are you asking of the Lord? What can you imagine Him doing in your life-years from now or right now? He can do more, so much more. Don’t confuse this message. God’s not telling us to imagine more or ask more here. He’s not enticing our prayers to be grander or desires greater.
He says He is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. HE. Nothing to do with our part and everything to do with His power in us for His glory.
So pray. Pray, imagine and ask what you will of the Lord, and let Him work in you.
Thank you, Lord for your listening ears and your loving heart toward me. Thank you for taking my short sighted mind and requests into Your power and doing for me so much more than I could ask or think as You will in my life. Thank you, Father, for working in my life, in my weakness and shortcomings, may I remember always to glorify You.
Do you need prayer? Send me a message or leave me a comment, and I will pray for you.
Our nation, our leaders, our families, our friends, our neighbors…we all need God in our lives, more than ever. Please join together on this special day, and every day thereafter, to seek God’s power and protection, His forgiveness and grace over our nation and our own hearts. It’s time to turn to Him with all of our hearts, minds and souls. Join me?
{AUDIO version of this post.}
Scripture tells us who our husbands should be: a leader, provider & protector. He should be caring, loving, serving. He is expected to be our companion, lover and partner.
But that doesn’t mean the man you’re married to IS those things. It doesn’t mean that if we love God our husbands will automatically fill those expectations in our lives, does it?
Many Christian wives find themselves feeling trapped in a marriage they don’t like. Their joy is gone.
Is it because other husband? Sure could be! (And a short disclaimer that needs to be heard loud and clear, if you’re in a marriage and are not safe, or don’t feel safe, please talk to someone and make a wise plan on how to be sure you are safe and what you need to do; staying in a marriage or with a spouse who is a danger to your life is not ok. That’s first and foremost…nothing I am going to say, today of otherwise, advocates for wife staying in a marriage where she is not safe. Period.) Yet…there IS HOPE!
Friends, Christian, God-fearing, wonderful, loving women, It’s time! It’s time to STEAL BACK YOUR JOY!
What a seemingly funny place to start when considering the truth of emptiness & heart-brokenness women feel in the void of a loving, flourishing-or even just a “not bad” marriage. Don’t leave me here, tough. I really do know your place. My husband and I are inching our way to mile marker #32 years of marriage, and while I can’t this minute fill you in on all the details covering those years, I can tell you I understand your heart. And, there IS HOPE.
So, humor me as I walk through Proverbs 31 and the well known virtuous woman. I don’t think you’ll have the same thoughts about her after we’re done today as you do right now.
This is where we’re going to start.
Proverbs 31:10-30
10Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.
11The heart of her husband does safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.
12She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.
13She seeks wool, and flax, and works willingly with her hands.
14She is like the merchants’ ships; she brings her food from afar.
15She rises also while it is yet night, and gives meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.
16She considers a field, and buys it: with the fruit of her hands she plants a vineyard.
17She girds her loins with strength, and strengthens her arms.
18She perceives that her merchandise is good: her candle goes not out by night.
19She lays her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.
20She stretches out her hand to the poor; yes, she reaches forth her hands to the needy.
21She is not afraid of the snow for her household: for all her household are clothed with scarlet.
22She makes herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
23Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land.
24She makes fine linen, and sells it; and delivers girdles to the merchant.
25Strength and honor are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.
26She opens her mouth with wisdom; and in her tongue is the law of kindness.
27She looks well to the ways of her household, and eats not the bread of idleness.
28Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.
29Many daughters have done virtuously, but you excel them all.
30Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that fears the LORD, she shall be praised.
31Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.
10 Virtuous
11 husband trusts her, is complete w/her, nothing else needed
12 Does her good all her days, consistent good not w/strings attached
13 she looks for things and ways to work for family’s good
14 she finds and brings food for household
15 she isn’t lazy; she sacrifices sleep for service
16 she FINDS ways to make money for when her family has a need
17 she works hard and she is strong
18 she is pleased with the quality of her work
19 she makes things at home to serve and provide
20 she gives to others…to the needy
21 she’s not afraid: she’s secure in how and what she has done for her family
22 she cares for herself, how she appears/dresses, presents herself
23 husband has a good name/reputation because of her words
24 she makes/sells-busy being helpful for her family’s needs
25 strength & honor (dignity) covers her-she looks FORWARD to her future
26 she speaks w/wisdom and kindness (BOTH)
27 she’s continually working on things her family needs
28 husband praises her, he knows the blessing she is (her children rise up and bless her)
29 she lives an excellent life: VIRTUOUS MORE than others| She is measured according
to God’s ways
30 she fears the Lord: she is praised
Let’s look closer at the characteristics of this virtuous woman.
Constant in doing good
Servant heart
Willingly: an attitude of desire & willingness to doing good (for her family)
Proud of her God-honoring accomplishments
Not fearful
Put together, cares about how she presents herself physically
Known of her good words of and about her husband
Praise worthy
Fears the Lord
I don’t know about you, but I think I have an idea, is there a characteristic in her presented here that you want to deny in your own life? It’s not about our husbands, this virtuous woman is not a diagram of a man’s desires in a wife, it’s a beautiful picture of a woman who fears the Lord and all that flows out of her heart and life as she lives to honor HER GOD.
Now, for those who have been, or feel as if you have been, beaten over the head by the standard you should live up to for her husband’s expectation (or other women’s even! ), what exactly does this passage say about our husbands expectation of this woman, this fictitious wife?
Note here that this passage was written as a description of what a godly wife would look like in her character to her son (most scholars agree this was written from a mother to her son so he would recognize a woman who fears the Lord and therefore be a good fit for the godly wife he would desire to build a family with).
So, just how does this passage describe a husband’s expectations of his wife?
It doesn’t. At all.
Look at the 3 times HUSBAND is mentioned here.
11 HUSBAND trusts her, is complete w/her, nothing else needed
23 HUSBAND has a good name/reputation because of her words
28 HUSBAND praises her, he knows the blessing
Her husband receives and reacts to her lifestyle
He trust her, he basks in the great reputation she paves w/her words, he praises her.
There is no pattern of husband desires, wife fulfills in this passage. DOES a smart man want a wife who lives like this, a wife with these godly characteristics living out of and through her life/family? OF COURSE he does…but it isn’t about him.
A virtuous woman isn’t about how a wife treats her husband, but rather how a woman fears, honors, loves and lives for her Lord.
Look back at those characteristics a virtuous women lives out. Which of us wouldn’t want to be like her? Let’s live for our God…let’s be her.
Psalm 107:29