It’s the Little Things {Podcast}

Marriage Monday: It’s the Little Things

It’s the Little Things. When you’re ready to quit, it’s not usually because of any one thing, but rather due to the collection and culmination of the little things. I hear you, and you’re right, Christian marriage really shouldn’t be this way, but how do we honor the Lord and find joy in our lives during this season? Pop on and listen together to what God has to say about life when our marriages are hard and what we can do about the little things.

The Little Things
Christian Marriage shouldn’t be this way: The Little Things

Sorry, not sorry!

Word Wednesday:

Are YOU really sorry? Does God expect us to be sorry and apologize? Maybe, but there’s a missing key ingredient in this way of being sorry (or, as the saying goes: Sorry, not sorry!) even with an apology.

It is also the key to healing marriage hurts. What is it?

When sorry isn't enough
When sorry isn’t enough


Friday Fun! I know you can relate to this!

Or listen here!

Friday Fun, Inside~Out

For women at home

He calmed the storm to a

whisper, and the waves of the

sea were hushed.

Psalm 107:29


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