Elhohim: Powerful God
The Beginning
In the very beginning of creation, there was God.
In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. Light And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
Genesis 1:1-3
Elohim (ee-lo-heem’)
There in the beginning was God, and even before was God-from everlasting:
Before the mountains were brought forth, or ever Thou hadst formed the earth and the world, even from everlasting to everlasting, Thou art God.
Psalm 90:2
As God begins creation, He shows up as Elohim, the all powerful God, “He is The Power over Powers.”
The word is used for: the true God, false gods, supernatural spirits (angels), and human leaders (kings, judges, the messiah).
When used of the true God, “Elohim” denotes what is called by linguists a plural of majesty, honor, or fullness. That is, he is GOD in the fullest sense of the word. He is “GOD of gods” or literally, “ELOHIM of elohim” (Deut 10:17; Ps 136:2).
Hebrew Streams
Power denotes strength. No surprise when we think about Elohim at the creation of the world. Who but God could speak in to existence all that is and ever has been known to us on and from this earth? Power of all Powers, GOD of gods, ELOHIM of Elohim.
We are inundated from every side with the world’s feminists mantra: women are strong! Of course we are; God made us in His image! But, Friends, if life hasn’t yet shown you, let me help you here. No matter what the world screams, the truth is, we are not strong enough.
Not strong enough
- Stricken with cancer throughout her young body: she’s not strong enough.
- Left a widow in the prime of raising a family: she’s not strong enough.
- Sleeping next to her husband only to wake up alone, abandoned. she’s not strong enough.
- Desperate from years of infertility only to stare into her precious stillborn’s face: she’s not strong enough.
- Crippling pain from physical shortcomings with new, old and unknown diagnosis each day: she’s not strong enough.
- Several hungry children and not two pennies to rub together: she’s not strong enough.
- Abusive husband makes heartfelt promises that are broken, like is her heart, before the sun sets each night: she’s not strong enough.
- Her sweet child is born requiring lifelong full-time care: she’s not strong enough.
- A horrific accident took the life she once loved with all her heart: she’s not strong enough.
- The daily stresses pile on to the point she can’t decide if she even wants to go on, and when she does-she doesn’t know how to: she’s not strong enough.
- All the kids were left orphaned in just one breath, and they need her: she’s not strong enough.
- Suddenly her husband is forgetting things more & more: she’s not strong enough.
- The fear of what if’s are haunting her day and night putting her anxiety in over-drive: she’s not strong enough.
- Wandering away from who she believes God is and trying to find her way back: she’s not strong enough.
- Begging God to answer her prayers and losing hope waiting: she’s not strong enough.
God’s Grace is Sufficient
And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
2 Corinthians 12:9
Elohim: Power of Powers
- Stricken with cancer throughout her young body: God is strong enough.
- Left a widow in the prime of raising a family: God is strong enough.
- Sleeping next to her husband only to wake up alone, abandoned; God is strong enough.
- Desperate from years of infertility followed by a stillborn baby: God is strong enough.
- Crippling pain from physical ailments: God is strong enough.
- Several hungry children and not two pennies to rub together: God is strong enough.
- Abusive husband and broken promises: God is strong enough.
- Her sweet child is born requiring full time care: God is strong enough.
- A horrific accident took the life she once loved with all her heart: God is strong enough.
- The daily stresses pile on to the point she can’t decide if she wants to go on: God is strong enough.
- All the kids were left orphaned in one breath, and they need her: God is strong enough.
- Her husband is more & more forgetting things: God is strong enough.
- The fear of what if’s are haunting her, day and night: God is strong enough.
- Wandered away from who she believes God is: God is strong enough.
- Begging God to answer her prayers and waiting, still: God is strong enough.
Elohim of elohim: Power of all Powers
Elohim of elohim: Power of all powers. How we need you. Hopeful hearts and hurting hearts alike, YOU, Elohim, are the power we need.
SEEK Him~ Elohim
Did the day start off with hope and dreams filling your heart? Seek Him: Elohim, Power of all powers, and walk with Him. What a story He has to write over your life, and mine. We can trust Him. Praise the Lord!
Whatever is on your heart today, whatever your deepest need or scariest fear, whoever did that horrible thing to you, the impossible health issues you are facing-Elohim is powerful enough to help you.
Elohim God More Powerful than your Weakness
That anger you realize as you are helpless to change the situation that is trying to kill you, and anything else you are spinning around your head, tell yourself again, Elohim God is more powerful than your immense weakness. It’s right there in your weakness, and in mine, He tells us He will be strong. Even His name says so!
Elohim: The Power of All Powers
Elohim. He spoke the world to be. He is good. He loves you. Dream big, friends! Grab hold of your heart’s desire and take it to The Power of all powers! Believe He’s going to work it out as you seek Him, first.
We Were Never Meant to Live Life Alone
Tamara henion
Trust me, I know life is too much on our own, but we were never meant to live life alone.
It’s ok that you, and I, can’t…He can. He is strong enough. He IS Power of ALL Powers: Lean on Him. Elohim.