I thought I’d taken my last breath

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In that very moment, the pain was so palpable I thought I had taken my last breath, and part of me wished I had.

What Cancer Can’t Do

Cancer is so limited...

It cannot cripple love,

It cannot shatter hope,

It cannot dissolve faith,

It cannot destroy peace,

It cannot kill friendship,

It cannot suppress memories,

It cannot silence courage,

It cannot invade the soul,

It cannot steal eternal life,

It cannot conquer the spirit.

(I can not find a source for this sign I saw)

Can you guess where I’ve been?

I’ve been loving, hoping, exercising faith. I’ve been finding peace,

 being comforted with true friendships, reliving and even making precious memories.

I’ve been digging up courage from deep down places, protecting my soul in all  the Lord is and longing for Heaven.

I’ve been fighting to have the same spirit that I see in my mom as she fights for her life. Hospitals, Cancer center, nursing home. Home. I’ve been with my sweet Mom.

And let me tell you something, that will change a person.

It hasn’t made me who I am not; it’s been said that what’s learned in the light shines in the dark.

It has, however, allowed me to reevaluate my time, my priorities and my life.

And it has brought to a place  where the  overflowing can not be contained.

She took her last breath, and I felt like it was my last breath too.

Cancer. Time. Family. Faith. Friends. Memories. Inspiration.

It’s time to share my all with you.

 2015 (…2018)

from the





For women at home

He calmed the storm to a

whisper, and the waves of the

sea were hushed.

Psalm 107:29


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