In the Flesh
From what I know of Mary throughout scripture, we know she is someone who puts my own reflection of the cross to shame in more ways than I even know. I can’t imagine in this day God would have chosen me in Mary’s place. I have wavered in my obedience to the Lord in my lifetime and, God’s sweetness in Mary’s character overwhelms me…me and my way too often and easily complaining self. Friends, I have to admit something totally insane here, *I* complain to my family about (ready for this?) their complaining! What is that about? God, forgive me…change my heart, O God!
Quietness of Heart
I digress. One thing I personally relate to in the flesh, (and this is just my own opinion, not an assertion of who she was through and through-since I don’t really know) is she seems to be introverted. I don’t mean that in a sense of aloofness. We are assured of Mary’s favor with those around her, so she wasn’t someone who didn’t relate well with others or take time to be personable with them. In fact, in order to be known as someone who was favored, well liked and carried a good reputation so much that it was known in town to be so, we’d have to presume she was kind, friendly and compassionate. I like to think of myself as a woman who has lived much the same way, but it’s another facet of her that I relate to at this time in my life; her quietness in the closest details of her heart.
And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren.
Luke 1:36
News Travels Fast
How long does it take for any kind of news to travel in your circle of family, church or friends? My family tends to allow others to tell their own story, but in most of my circles it’s hard not to see the commotion around big news-whether from the horse’s mouth, so to speak, or the grapevine: news travels fast. This was big news, REALLY BIG news. Mary, as beautifully amenable to her God, was flesh and blood a lot like you and me. Her life, her body, her heart, her everything was changed in a second, and God-just as He did with Gabriel’s comforting words of assurance to her before He told her of His plan-God does it again. Knowing everything about her and understanding the limits her flesh and blood would allow, God gives her hope and in a way on He could have.
Details, details, details
Left to her own thoughts, do you think it would have ever crossed Mary’s mind what God had in the details? In a million years, would she ever had thought, “…if only God would allow me to go to Elisabeth who could also be experiencing a miraculous pregnancy as I am?” I don’t like to go out on the limb of living too much in biblical account because I don’t want to flourish God’s Word in any little way, and yet, no matter what, God gives Mary an in the flesh kind of hope like only He can.
A Godly Friend
This whole post could have been about just that; a godly friend. It amazes me, blows me away, of the constant stories from lonely hearts and Christian women needing a friend. Is that you? IF that is you, pray about a friend. And, in the meantime, if you want a friend in me, reach out to me on my Facebook page/messenger @A Girl in the Middle. I truly am here in this place to help women like you in your place. I’ve met the most treasured friends in this way, and by that I mean-in God’s way. Mary needed a friend, and God was already ahead of that in His plan.
Do you wonder why after such an immense expansion to Gabriel’s explanation in the sentences just preceding this one, that God goes on to tell her about Elizabeth? She wasn’t part of Jesus’ birth story, per se’ but the Lord makes sure she’s in it. Why? As odd for Mary, a young virgin to be pregnant, it was almost as extraordinary for a very old, infertile, woman to be expecting, too. As vast their differences, Mary and Elizabeth had a profound commonality, not only were they each unexpectedly expecting, as told by God, their bond was God.
Lonely vs Alone
Mary wasn’t alone, but how could she not have felt lonely as she faced her circumstances with no kind of human understanding around her? That, my friends, is exactly where we usually struggle to. We feel alone (though God promises to NEVER leave us, NEVER forsake us, praise Him!), we feel alone when life’s circumstances leave us without a soft place to fall physically, emotionally and most of all, spiritually.
I cannot, can not, emphasize enough the importance of girlfriends who share your quest and desire to follow after the Lord.
As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.
Proverbs 27:17
If you don’t have friends who encourage and challenge you in your walk with the Lord, pray for one. Pray relentlessly and God will be faithful. In the mean time, guess what? God is that friend for you.
Mary’s Friend, Our Friend
Mary had a friend (cousin is used to note a close relationship…regardless of exactly what that relationship was, in her was a godly friend) in Elizabeth. God in the details here, again. It brings me to tears as He unravels my very finite mind to His truths. Mary made haste to her friend’s house as she carried the greatest friend I would ever know. Should we ever be tempted with the lie that our little obediences don’t matter: Mary, thank you for your obedience. God, thank you for my friend, Jesus.
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. 14Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. 15Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.
John 15:13-15
He calls me friend.