El Elyon, God Most High
God is with you, do not be afraid.
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy, for in You my soul takes refuge. In the shadow of Your wings I will take shelter until the danger has passed. I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills His purpose for me. He reaches down from heaven and saves me; He rebukes those who trample me.
El Elyon
I cry out to the God most high. El Elyon
Have you cried out to God today? I sure have. And I’m so thankful to know that HE, my El Elyon, is The Most High God.
While I was learning about this particular name of God, I came across the website, My Redeemer Lives. (www.myredeemerlives.com). I have to share this with you:
When applied to Yahweh, the name “Elyon” stresses His highest supremacy. When the two names “El” and “Elyon” are combined, the resultant name can be literally translated as “the Extremely-Exalted, Sovereign, High God“, as in Psalm 57:2 — “I cry out to the Most High Elohim, To El who is perfecting all matters for me.” (TS98)
My Redeemer Lives (http://www.myredeemerlives.com/namesofgod/el-elyon.html)
Extremely exalted, Sovereign, High God. Praise my God!
Higher than everything. Everything. Exalted above ALL. Sovereign. The God who made you, who loves you, who sent His son who died for you-that God is sovereign. See that “reign” in this characteristic? It counts! God is sovereign, He has supreme power & authority, HE REIGNS the extreme utmost.
He is Above All
Let’s look at our troubles of today…no, let’s switch up our focus and instead look at our God today. I don’t know about you, but I can’t even bare to peek my head in at the troubles looming over my heart right now. But I can afford to look fully on my Father’s face-scarce can pull my gaze away.
Oh how I need Him.
- Where’s your pain & trouble? He is above all.
- What is causing your fear over faith? He is above all.
- How can you get through what you’re facing? He is above all.
- What if this? What if that,?
- What if no one helps, hears, cares?
He is above all; HE IS El Elyon, “the Extremely-Exalted, Sovereign, High God“
He is Enough
My heart is overwhelmed. I don’t have anything in me to offer, and I don’t need to because He is Enough.
Let the emphasis fall where it may:
HE is enough.
He IS enough.
All equally applicable. All so needed in my life and heart. Don’t despair friends, God is with you, now and always. Don’t be afraid.
God Most High, El Elyon
God Most High, El Elyon, is with you. Do not be afraid.
He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High [Elyon] will rest in the shadow of the Almighty [Shaddai].
Psalm 91:1